Building a Movement to Support Educators Across the Country

Highlighting Edifying Teachers

At Elevate Teaching, we recognize the challenges faced by educators and the urgent need for support within the teaching community here in Minnesota. Teacher burnout and high attrition rates, particularly among teachers of color, have become alarming trends. In this article, we want to shed light on the inspiring work of Edifying Teachers—an organization aligned with our mission working in Maryland—and highlight how both Elevate Teaching and Edifying Teachers are part of a larger movement dedicated to empowering educators and fostering community building.

Supporting Teachers When It Matters Most

Teacher burnout is a pressing issue affecting passionate educators nationwide, exacerbated by the challenges of teaching during the pandemic. Edifying Teachers understands that existing school and district resources often fall short in meeting teachers' daily support needs. Their coaching community provides consistent, highly-engaged support from teacher mentors who understand the challenges firsthand. This is aligned with the Elevate Teaching findings that strong access to mentorship is crucial for supporting future teachers.

Teachers Supporting Teachers

Both Elevate Teaching and Edifying Teachers believe in the power of teachers supporting teachers. Edifying Teachers focuses on creating a space that brings together new and veteran teachers. They understand that the best support for educators comes from their peers. Elevate Teaching’s primary audience are high school students, undecided college majors, and career transitioners: our research also supports that peers have a large influence on future teacher’s career path. By recognizing the mentoring needs of new teachers both organizations address a crucial gap in the growth, well-being, and longevity of the profession.

Bridge the Gap, Make a Difference

Did you know that Black teachers have been shown to better support Black students' educational journeys? Edifying Teachers aims to bridge the gap between the support provided by school districts and the needs of teachers on their educational journeys. If you are an experienced educator of color, consider becoming a mentor and help ensure new and aspiring teachers of color have the encouragement, support, and resources they need to succeed.

Together, with the acknowledgement of other organization’s in this work, we can elevate the teaching profession and ensure every teacher has the support they need to thrive. Elevate Teaching and Edifying Teachers are just two examples of organizations working to empower educators and build a supportive teaching community. Join us in celebrating Edifying Teachers' efforts and let's continue to foster community building in our workplaces, making a lasting impact on the lives of educators and students alike.


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