Inspire Someone to Be a Future Maker

Thank you for being a future maker. Thank you for helping us to inspire more people to explore the great potential of a teaching career. Here are a few simple instructions to help you get started (Please fully read the instruction below):

  1. When recording, start with your name, school and grade

  2. Share what you love about teaching

  3. Show why you’re proud of the student successes you helped to create

  4. Get ready to inspire someone to be a future maker

  5. Some prompts to get you started:

    1. I love teaching because....

    2. I’m so proud of my students, especially...

    3. More people should explore a teaching career. They would love...

A few things you should think about before filming:

  • Position your mobile phone vertically

  • Choose a fun location in a school or classroom

  • Be as close to the phone as possible to get the best audio

  • Be conscious of your lighting and your background

  • Wipe the lens of your camera before starting

  • Wait :02 before recording

  • Keep your message under :30

  • Consider doing a rehearsal or two

  • Choose your best take

When you’re done recording your video:

  1. Visit our brand agency’s uploading site at click here.
    (use your phone's web browser)

  2. Click the red "Add from my computer" button to access your phone's media library and select the video you wish to upload

  3. Add your name and email in the form fields, along with any additional comments (note: if you have a TikTok account, please provide your username here)

  4. Click the red upload button and wait for the confirmation message. You will also receive an email from Hightail confirming your video has been uploaded.

Please note:

When you upload your video, you consent to it being shared by Elevate Teaching in social media vehicles, like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. Additionally, please do not have minors present within your video.

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