Elevate Teaching and a group of STEM education leaders have partnered together to lead a campaign to increase interest in becoming teachers of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for K-12 schools, especially those from communities of color and American Indian communities.

Background of Minnesota STEM Project

The MN STEM Project began after a group of STEM education leaders were invited to participate in the Smithsonian STEM Teacher Diversity Project Summit in April 2023. At the Summit, 20 teams of educators from diverse regions across the nation creates logic models for attracting and retaining STEM teachers from underrepresented populations. The Summit provided tools to develop district-specific “action plans” for addressing this problem, with support from Smithsonian Science Education Center mentors, coaches, and advisors.

Paired with a mentor, the MN STEM Project is implementing an action plan with the ultimate goal to diversify the STEM teaching workforce and improve leadership opportunities for diverse STEM teachers through systems change in Minnesota and beyond.

Our Approach

Work with Programs

Work with Grow-your-Own programs in schools and youth STEM programs.

Provide Resources

Provide resources for STEM teachers to promote STEM Teaching as a STEM career option to their students

Support Teachers

Support STEM teachers in their pride as an educator AND a STEM professional. 

Ready to elevate STEM teachers?

If you’re curious about how you can get involved in supporting STEM educators and inspiring the next, diverse generation of STEM leaders, connect with us!

For questions contact: John Olson, john.olson@metrostate.edu.

Leading Organizers

Dr. Rose Chu,
Elevate Teaching

Lyle Dandridge,
St. Paul Public Schools

John Olson,
Metro State University

Dr. Angela Osuji,
Shakopee Schools

Kayla Swanson,
Science Museum of Minnesota