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Minnesota STEM Project Input Meeting - Virtual

STEM Teacher Diversity Project Update and Input Meeting

Date: Wednesday, June 26th
Time: 4 - 5 PM
Location: Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Paul

A group of STEM education leaders are working on a campaign to increase interest in those from communities of color and American Indian communities to become teachers of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for K-12 schools. We received technical training and support from the Smithsonian Science Education Center to plan this campaign.

Here is a brief summary of our progress

At the Summit in New Orleans, we developed our goals and logic model: 

  • Address these issues

    • Teaching is not considered a valued career

    • STEM teaching is not considered a STEM career

  • Strategies

    • Work with Grow-your-Own programs in schools and youth STEM programs.

    • Provide resources for STEM teachers to promote STEM Teaching as a STEM career option to their students, and to support STEM teachers in their pride as an educator AND a STEM professional. 

We have conducted the following activities

  • Two workshop-style meetings at the Science Museum with science, math, and technology teachers and some students to review the messages generated by the Elevate Teaching project and adapt them for STEM audiences. These meetings were primarily with teachers of color.

  • Presentations on our work to SciMathMN, Generation Next, and 3M staff.

  • Presentation at the MN Science Teachers Conference.

  • Participation in a student career fair.

We want to share the progress and gain your input for activities and opportunities for the upcoming school year in an online meeting:

Wednesday, June 26, 4:00 PM

Meeting ID: 752 973 9462

Passcode: 594468

For questions contact: John Olson, 612-801-1490

Event organizers: Rose Chu, Elevate Teaching; Lyle Dandridge, St. Paul Public Schools; John Olson, Metro State University; Angela Osuji, Shakopee Schools; Kayla Swanson, Science Museum of Minnesota

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